The Coalition of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peak Organisations (Coalitions of Peaks), alongside all Australian governments, has tasked the Productivity Commission with

Human Rights Commission Findings In July 2024, the Human Rights Commission released a report highlighting the persistent issue of racism within Australian politics.

On the 13th of February 2008, a pivotal moment in Australia’s history unfolded—the National Apology to the Stolen Generations and their descendants. The

Dr. Peggy McIntosh is Associate Director of the Wellesley College Centre for Research on Women and author of the White Privilege Theory There

Undertaken by four young First Nations men from the east of the continent, the political action of 1972 witnessed the establishment of the

Reframing Assimilation The period spanning from the 1930s to the 1970s in Australia was deeply marked by the policy of ‘assimilation.’ While anti-assimilations,

The Art of ‘Yarning’ Across various societies, storytelling takes on the form of ‘yarning,’ a term deeply rooted in the dialects of Aboriginal

A Time of Desolation As the latter years of the 1870s bathed the Far North Queensland goldfields in drought, the region was plagued

The Power of Marginalised Voices First Peoples scholars often find themselves described as writing from the margins—a term sometimes used pejoratively. Yet, this

Many still hold a vision that prioritises social justice for all Australians. Such people see as an imperative enacting all of the recommendations

Reflecting on 2023 the major political issue for me is not the failure of the referendum. What was going to happen was obvious,

The experiences of an Aboriginal person or group can greatly diverge based on whether their family was confined on a mission or reserve.

January 26

For most Australians, January 26 marks a public holiday, often celebrated with barbecues and outdoor activities. Yet, the significance of this day stays

In her maiden speech to Parliament, Ms. Hanson from Oxley stated that the colour of one’s skin doesn’t determine disadvantage. But as someone